Create or Modify Signature (Outlook Web App)
How to create or modify your email signature
Create or Modify Signature
Find your signature:
- Visit and sign on if prompted
- Click on the Settings icon (or "gear icon")
- In the now opened Settings window, select the "Account" tab from the leftmost pane
- Select the "Signatures" tab from the pane to the right
To create a new email signature, follow these steps:
- Click the "New signature" button to create a new signature
- Fill out the name of the signature and its contents in the appropriate text boxes
- Once finished, click the "Save" button
To modify an existing email signature, follow these steps:
- Click on the dropdown menu under the "New signature" button
- Select the signature you want to modify
- Edit the selected signature in the text box below
- Once finished, click the "Save" button
If you want to set a newly created or existing signature as the default, follow these steps:
- Look for "Select default signatures" near the bottom of the window
- Within the dropdown menus next to "For New Messages" and "For Replies/Forwards", select the desired signature(s)
- Once finished, click the "Save" button