ndOffice Settings
To access the ndOffice Activity Center Settings,
In the ndOffice Activity dialog, select the Settings Gear icon, and then select Settings. Specify settings by navigating to the following tabs of the ndOffice Settings dialog:
Account: On the Account tab, view the general information about the account. You can also view the retention period defined by the repository administrator. Documents that meet the criteria specified in the retention policy will be displayed in the Echo folder. The administrator can also specify the retention period for the Backup folder by adding the Backup Retention registry setting. Here you can also check the application version and the availability of new updates. To receive notifications for automatic updates or to disable automatic updates, you need to select the corresponding checkbox on the Account tab. This setting can also be modified in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE by modifying the AutoUpdateEnabled and PromptForAutomaticUpdates registry values.
ID Stamp: With ID stamp, specify where to insert the document ID. You can insert the document ID only in Microsoft Word.
From the Location drop-down menu, you can select the following options:
-Footer every page – The document ID will be inserted in every footer.
-Footer every page, except first – The document ID will be inserted in every footer except the first page.
-Last page – The document ID will be inserted only on the last page.
-None – The document ID will not be inserted.
To receive notifications about the need to change the document ID location settings, if there is a conflict with the location specified in the Location drop-down menu, you need to clear the Don't prompt me when applying ID stamp to documents checkbox.
Navigation: After selecting the Navigation tab, set the default locations in the Open, Save As, Send&File, and Attach ndOffice dialogs. To ease the navigation and save time, you can specify the preferred locations to open, save or attach documents in the navigation tree after performing the corresponding action. Refer to the Default locations diagram below to view all possible locations for opening, saving, sending and filing, or attaching documents.
-Suggested Email Locations: With the ndOffice Suggested Filing feature, keep track of where emails were filed to on this machine for the first recipient in the To line of the email. The most recent location filed to appears as the default selection in the ndSave group of the Outlook ribbon.
-Last-used location: By default, you are redirected to the most-recently-used location for opening, saving or attaching documents in the navigation tree of the ndOffice Open, Save, or Attach dialog. For example, if the most recent document was opened from a specific folder in the ndOffice Open dialog, next time, when opening the ndOffice Open, Save, or Attach dialog, you will be navigated to that folder.
-Recent Locations: By default, you are redirected to Recent Locations in the navigation tree of the ndOffice Open, Save, or Attach dialog. Recent Locations contains a list of the last 25 locations you accessed. The most-recently-used location is always at the top.
-Recent Documents: By default, you are redirected to Recent Documents in the navigation tree of the ndOffice Open or Attach dialog. In the right pane of the corresponding dialog, the list of recently opened, edited, and added documents appears.
-Favorite Workspaces: By default, you are redirected to Favorite Workspaces in the navigation tree of the ndOffice Open, Save or Attach dialog. Favorite Workspaces contains a list of workspaces that you marked as favorites. The most-recently-used location is always at the top.
-Recent Workspaces: By default, you are redirected to Recent Workspaces in the navigation tree of the ndOffice Open, Save or Attach dialog. Recent Workspaces contains a list of workspaces that you have accessed most recently, with the most recent at the top.
-Cabinet (for profiling): By default, you will be redirected to the cabinet with its corresponding workspaces in the navigation tree of the ndOffice Open, Save or Attach dialog. If you select the Favorite Workspaces, Recent Workspaces, or Cabinet option for opening, saving, or attaching the document, the drop-down list with all available cabinets becomes available. You can select the appropriate cabinet, and then click OK.
Network: To change proxy settings, go to the Network tab of the ndOffice Settings dialog.
Columns: On the Columns tab, view the following columns:
-Available columns: Displays all available profile attributes for all repositories in one list for a particular user.
-Selected columns: Displays five standard profile attributes before you change anything manually. You can add up to nine profile attributes and the list is unique for each particular user.
Notifications: On the Notifications tab, you can choose for which actions you want to receive notifications.
You can select the following checkboxes:
-Check out: Displays a notification when you download a document. This checkbox is selected by default.
-Upload start: Displays a notification when you start to upload a document.
-Upload in progress: Displays the progress bar when you upload a document. This checkbox is unavailable if the Upload start checkbox is not selected.
-Successful upload: Displays a notification if the document upload is successful. This checkbox is selected by default.
-Check-in: Displays a notification when you upload the document. This checkbox is selected by default.
Other: On the Other tab, select the Prompt to file outgoing messages checkbox under Send and File Dialog. Also, move the slider to the left or right to specify the number of documents to be displayed in the ndOffice Activity Center. Additionally, select the Warn if selected version is not official checkbox if you want to see the corresponding warning message each time you open an unofficial version of a particular document. This setting can also be changed with the help of the WarnIfNotOfficialVersion registry setting. For more information, see the User Settings and Registry Settings section.